Conventional medicine treats symptoms, not systems. Chances are you're being treated for your health issues from the outside in, in ways that only mask the real problems.
In his new book Inside-Out Health: A Revolutionary Approach to Your Body, Dr. Rob Silverman shows you exactly how to turn your health around in an entirely new and different way.
“In this book,” says Dr. Rob, “I’ll be challenging the conventional protocols for treating almost all common health issues. I’ll be recommending treatments such as detoxification that work from the inside out to treat the underlying cause of many health concerns...As I like to tell my patients, you can see the trunk, branches, and leaves of a tree, but there’s just as much of a tree underground as above ground. When you see a tree, you see leaves. The leaves are the symptom, the tree is the external system, and the roots are the internal system. No system is one-way or completely separate from every other system in your body.”
Dr. Rob Silverman thinks differently. A practitioner of functional nutrition, he believes that healing and vibrant good health come from a holistic approach. In Inside-Out Health: A Revolutionary Approach to Your Body, he shows you exactly how to turn your health around in an entirely new and different way.
Take charge and improve your wellbeing with actionable steps you can do yourself, starting now.
The inside-out solutions Dr. Rob presents are simple, cost-effective, and use no drugs. They're the answer to long-term health issues and the path to a healthy, happy, disease-free future.
Dr. Robert Silverman's book is a magnificent tour de force full of practical tips on how to use functional medicine to stay fit and healthy and lose weight, starting with the gut. If you are frustrated with your health, wanting to rid yourself of body pains, and looking for ways to achieve total wellness, Inside-Out Health is a great start to a happy gut and overall well-being!
Vincent Pedre, MD Author of Happy Gut and founder of Dr. Pedre Wellness
I credit Dr. Silverman for a lot of my physical health - he's taken a chance on me when other doctors wouldn't. He's really helped relieve the stress and pain that playing ball in the NBA can cause. Doctors like Dr. Silverman are hard to find. If you can't see him in person, read his book instead!
Sean Kilpatrick NBA shooting guard
This book is just what the doctor ordered. Dr. Robert Silverman takes the reader on a healing journey using his revolutionary ``inside-out`` approach. Starting with the gut microbiome and leaky gut syndrome (a topic foreign to the majority of medical doctors), Dr. Rob guides us on the causes and solutions to most medical ailments. The book is easy to read and packed full of practical health tips. A must-read for any health enthusiast and physician looking to understand how the body really works.
Jack Wolfson, DO, FACC Author of The Paleo Cardiologist
Many of us have lost our way when it comes to our body. We ignore our instincts and inherent ability to know what we need to heal. Dr. Silverman gives us Inside-Out Health to reset our connection to our inner self and navigate our way back to our innate intelligence of the what, how, and why of health and healing.
Deanna Minich, PhD Functional nutritionist and author of Whole Detox